Initial Storyboard 1/26/2023

The way I came up with this storyboard was by looking back in the past and try remembering a variety of openings that I could remember. One opening came to mind and that was the opening scene of the "Forest Gump" film. It starts off by following a leaf which is flowing through the air, getting blown away by the wind and coincidentally landing between the feet of Mr. Gump. Although my opening isn't exactly the same by following an object, the idea of using a crane shot with the camera pointing up in the sky and smoothly transitioning to the ground where the audience will meet the protagonist is what I was trying to achieve when referencing the film. Normally one will use a singular storyboard to help direct them within producing the film, but my group and I chose to make our own storyboard to see if we can come up with ideas based on each other's storyboards.
