Costumes for film 2/15/2023

The costume designs that will be used for the characters on our opening scene will consist of dark clothing. This will heavily be applied to the antagonist who will threaten and harm the protagonist of the film. An all black outfit with a mask to hide the identity of the antagonists. The protagonist along with any extras (if present in film) will be using a basic attire such as regular pants/shirts/jackets/joggers/cargos or shorts to fit in with the setting. What we hope to achieve with the costumes for our film is to impose fear or a feeling of unsteadiness and to make the viewers assume some misdemeanor is about to occur.

Examples of costumes most likely to be used within film:
One of the masks which'll be used for the film is a luchador mask. Partly to add some sense of unfunny humor within the film and mainly to have something to hide the protagonists face.

Although not the exact mask which'll be used in the film, this is simply just a reference (just as the luchador mask) to represent a goat mask present in the film.

This is a good example of an all black outfit that'll be used in the opening scene by the protagonists.
