Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research 2/7/2023

Brainstorming w/previous AICE film opening 


Rise – Film Opening: 

  • My group and I noticed how this film opening uses music as a diegetic sound since the protagonist has headphones on. 

  • This inspired us to maybe incorporate the same thing within our film opening by adding music within the beginning part of the film when our character will be on their way walking to home. 

2nd Film is not available to view. 

Dear Lover: 

  • The film demonstrates a variety of images/montages of a lake or river, trees, close-up shots of plants and a character (most likely protagonist) sitting down. 

  • This opening also provides a dialogue of the protagonist talking to someone else (person unknown) describing their life problems. 

  • What caught our attention was the way the producer of the film used a sound bridge to then transition to a short scene of the character getting interviewed about their experiences. 

  • Although our group is still not certain about when to implement a sound bridge in the film opening, the idea of using a montage to establish the layout and props of the home was brought up. 

Dare to Thrill: 

  • The style of the font for the words “Dare lose it all gave us an idea to use a “worlde” font or Helvetica Neue for when we present the title of the film. 

Always Watching Film Opening: 

  • Just like this video, our film will be a horror one; so, this is a great inspiration for when we could exaggerate the use of low-key lighting to create the perfect, anxious, and unsettling scene. 

The Blue Boar: 

  • At first, the film seemed to not have any elements which could be integrated into our film opening. We came back to the video a bit later and noticed the way in which the camera was hand-held. 

  • We all came to the conclusion that the hand-held technique is a perfect element to incorporate in our opening as it helps build tension in a scene. 

White Coat: 

  • The film opening provides well audio of chemicals being poured into other beakers, a great set design with limited light to not reveal much of the setting, and great shifts between rack focuses to guide the viewer to a certain item or subject. 


  • Horror films tend to have strong emotions (whether it’s fear, anger, sadness or confusion) which are clearly visible in the face of a character. This film opening demonstrated to us a good use of using a close-up of a subject’s face to display the emotions which that character is going through. 


  • With the films score, the high-key lighting, and props we see throughout the opening, a nostalgic sense is placed on the viewers. 

  • Although it wasn’t added to the film, our group believed it would’ve been a good opportunity to add a fade transition from the old lady to what seems to be her younger self. If we come across an opportunity similar to that, we would not hesitate to use the fade transition.


    These film openings helped us think of how and when would be the best time to incorporate some of the ideas which were present in the videos. It also gave us the opportunity to expand on what else may be done to further improve our film project.
