Preparing to film 2/13/2023

    Although it was a long and exhausting chore to decide on, our group got into an agreement to film the opening at Will's house. One obstacle which we are most likely going to come across is how to establish an environment with lowkey lighting. Especially for scenes that will be shot outside of the house or near windows. It is not a full thought-out plan but we're sure that if we mess around with the lights of the house we can adjust them to a tone that will be fit for the environment of the scene. Since the film will be shot at Will's place or around the area, he will take the role of filming some of if not most of the dark shots of the house, since for obvious reasons, he will be the only one there at that time. Everyone in the group, except for one person, will be acting in the film; as well, our film will be featuring/including someone else who is not a part of our group, that being Nigel. Angel (the one whose excluded) will both direct the film and be behind the camera. For costumes, the victim in our film opening will be wearing casual clothing as they are going about their day as usual, expecting nothing but their regular routine. The offenders who will cause distress to the victim will be wearing all black outfits to go easily unnoticed when lurking around and to add effect of suspicion when they're introduced. The props that will be important for the film are a pillowcase, a fake weapon (nerf gun), and masks for the villains. Both the script and the time (for when we'll be meeting up at Will's) for filming has not been yet decided nor finalized. Although the majority of us are on the same page on how to go about the script; including how we aim for minimal amount of dialogue in our opening, enough to set a tone and achieve what needs to be conveyed for the consumers to realize the gravity of the situation. Unfortunately, we will not have a budget in the sense of not being able to financially obtain equipment; hence, our group will shoot the opening scene on an iPhone 13 Pro and will use sunlight, flashlights (most likely from the iPhone itself) and kitchen lights throughout the film.
