Editing #2

Since the start of shooting our film everything has been going smoothly and at a great pace. With the scenes only having to be retaken a few times and us quickly being able to improvise our set design to completely match the tone of the film allowing us to move forward. Also considering how before we started to shoot our opening scenes a plan/idea of how we were going to film was already resolved. And so, it was the same thing with editing; only, their was a small hiatus for when we got to editing our film. Other than that the editing process took about 2 hours, mainly because the antagonist voices (mine and Adam's) were either muffled due to the mask or too loud which would affect the delivery of the dialogue of the film. The way we countered this problem was by lowering the volume of the video when I would speak (as I mostly be projecting my voice a little too much) and to raise the volume of the video when Adam would speak as the goat mask he wore would kind of "muffle" his voice. Once the editing process commenced, we've noticed we should retake certain shots such as close-ups as they were filmed in a weird angle. Nothing else was needed to be resolved or improvised for our film.

Here is a photo of one of us editing the video:
