Color and Lighting of Film

Our movie opener revolves around a suspenseful thriller/horror, meaning that the color and lighting of the film is significant for the delivery of the film. In our film the protagonist is transported to a factory and/or warehouse that is on a remote location that is not known about. For the lighting of our film, only one light source was directed to the victim; allowing the viewers to know who the main character is and to be clear on who the attention/spotlight should be focused on. Another technique we used to emphasize the focal point of our scenes was to darken the rest of the house (the set location) and allowing no natural light to come in. Surprisingly, the result of using the techniques mentioned earlier made the films lighting and color come out very well. I was satisfied by how the background was complete darkness except for the forefront of the scenes (and/or anywhere that the scene was taking place). This would heavily impact our opening film as it'll emit a feeling of interrogation and unfairness, which I believe is something that made our film look well produced. 
