Main Character

Will was the one chosen to act as the main character for our film opener. This decision was influenced by the fact that he frequently plays "Wordle", and so we thought that Will would be a perfect fit for someone who's life is on the line to win this puzzle game. Some ways we have hinted to the audience who the main character is is by being able to see the protagonist when the title card of the film appears. Lighting also is another film element we used to indicate that Will is the protagonist of the movie opener. This would be done by using a light source (in our case a flashlight) and direct the light input towards Will so his facial expressions may be emphasized and noticed. It also helps with getting the audience to feel the rollercoaster of emotions that the protagonist has felt. For the purpose of our film, we all agreed on having the victim be in a state of confusion throughout the entire scenario that he was put through. The intensity of the moods from the scenes were so strong since we knew that we only had at most 2 minutes to work with.
