Mise-en-scene of Film

The film location of 5 Letters was taken at a household; specifically, the entirety of the film was shot in the living room and kitchen of that house. The set design of the film intended to be portrayed as a hidden room used for either interrogation purposes and/or as a chamber. To achieve this complete change from an everyday living room to a interrogation room, an arrangement of scenery was done. For example, the lighting of the location had to be very dark, in order to help provide the film with conventions to make up the genres chosen for 5 Letters. As said in some blogposts ago, we improvised our film location by using shutters and any object available to cover up any remaining light which may come through. Along with this, a single light source was pointed at the protagonist/focal point of the scene to build a perfect environment for such a specific situation. The costumes for the actors of the film varied and depended on the roles of the characters. The villains had a specific wardrobe requiring mask of any kind and an all black outfit. For the protagonist a regular "civilized" wardrobe was more than perfect for the role as what the film needed was a character who was unexpectedly brought into such a stressing and confusing situation by dressing as if the day of the event in the movie opener was going to be a regular day like every other. At last, the film was displayed in a couple of angels. That being an OVS shot as the majority of the film had dialogue/conversations and would need to focus on the actors when they were speaking. To display how isolated the villains and protagonist were, a wide shot was used, this time the set design had to be rearranged again so that the kitchen (the location set) was not as noticeable to not let the audience be confused of where exactly the attack took place. After a wide shot, a close up was used to portray my arm as I harmed the protagonist.
