Sample of Exam

    Within this five minute extract of Agent Carter, one would be witnessing a variety of film technical elements which would most likely slip past their minds as the film makers made sure to blend these elements well within a scene so the audience does not even notice its existence. Those technical elements which are embedded in the extract consist of: colors, sounds, camera shots, camera angles, camera movements, compositions, editing, and even costumes which all contribute towards conveying a certain mood, genre, and feeling which is felt by the viewers.

    The camera works in the clips are almost constantly in motion as it is portraying all the different characters and props in the setting. For example, in the scene with Agent Carter stationed at the intercoms and Captain America piloting an aircraft, the camera is purposely hand-held to give a shakiness which is clearly visible to any viewers eyes, but it also sets a sort of distress or anxious feeling to the audience to fully allow one to capture the weight of the event. An establishing shot is also displayed with a side note which was done by editing the clip, to introduce the audience to the location where the extract mainly takes place in. Dolly shots and tracking shots were used to send the emotion of confusion displayed on ones face and to follow characters which are simultaneously having dialogue with another subject and walking.

    An important element to any movie to fully develop the mise-en-scene are costumes; the characters costumes had a business casual display to not just look professional but to set themselves as someone who is courteous and reliable. Along with the character design the set design consists of every day office props to emit the tone of being at work. With synchronous sounds coming into play as the alarms  and phones are ringing throughout the extract. Sound bridge were also shown to successfully bring the intense feeling of discovery over to another shot and setting. Jump cuts were used, forming a montage as Foley sounds were applied to a fight scene to intensify the choreography of the character and power behind each move. Not to exclude the fact that lowkey lighting is positioned to set the mood  of the scene (the mood being exhilarating and stressful) even further.

    Overall, these technical elements were used in great display, allowing the audience to get the sense of what the characters felt within the movie. As if the viewers too were in the movie.
